Friday, April 13, 2012

April 13, 2012

Yes, today is the dreaded Friday the 13th..... I do not believe that horrible things happen due to a certain date... I think that WE control much of our environment. I know - sometime bad things do happen. That you blow a tire or whatever but hey - that is life that does not have to do with the date... But that is just me.... Well, have you have maybe seen from my mileage log I have not run as much this week. I have REALLY been tired. I think that last 12 miler took more energy from me than I expected. But I was able to do Run Club both nights and run 100% of the course. Last night we did almost 5 miles.. I did it in 59 mins... Plus, this is also after a full day of work that was REALLY busy yesterday. So I am EXTREMELY thankful and actually EXTREMELY shocked that I can run that far at a decent time. It just shows how my endurance has increased. Last year, at this time... NO WAY could I do that... It was a really really really good night if I could get 1/2 mile of 100% run... It is called being extremely stubborn and a lot of percerverance. Believe me - I am one VERY VERY stubborn Irish girl.... There is NO DOUBT about that. On the whole of my street running - I have done GREAT! There has only been one fall (that was not serious - only scraped knees). Last year, I had so many injuries - besides the constant scraped knees, stress facture to the wrist, and TWICE I tore muscle fiber in my left calf. It is so wierd that I have had to RELEARN how to run. But I really have. I know that I cannot go fast downhills and have to be VERY mindful of my stepping around curves or any change in pavement. These are my "problem areas". Even though I know there is a difference and my brain tells my muscles there is a difference coming there way - they do not react fast enough and then the accidents happen. I have also noted that because of the spasticity (and I stretch before and after) it usually takes me a good mile to loosen my muscles up that I can get a decent stride. But till then, it is really hard. My stepping is very short therefore, I am doing MORE work. Taking more "baby steps" to move forward. Till my muscle start opening can I start to really move. Therefore, like with Run Club, everyone leaves me in the dust... But at the end - that is where my pace is faster and my stride is longer. So see, this is opposite of the typical person. Many people start out strong with long strides and finish weak. See, how I have REALLY had to READ my body... I am doing this as I am running --- constantly reading my body. I am trying constantly to maintain my stability and forward movement. I still come in last in my group -- but I do not care. I have a WONDERFUL group of people that I run with. They are VERY encouraging and even though I am not lightening fast - it does not matter. I am running the course 100% and I am working... As for having a partner with running. Actually I DO NOT want one. I have so much that I have to concentrate on to keep me moving forward. If I had to concentrate on someone else's pace, ect... I would be in the ground for sure. I have to focus on my body and all it cues - I am constantly reading them. When my left foot starts to shuffle - I have to literally tell myself to pick up the "damn foot". I am sure that I look like a real goof-ball with one leg taking a higher step than the other. But this is what I literally have to do ALL THE TIME!!! So thinking about another person or pacing - no way... I do not have enough brain power for that. Plus, the longer I run the fatigue sets in more and more which means my brain turns to mush... I am not kidding. When I am really really tired - even getting my name out is EXTREMELY hard. For my birthday, Jeremy (my son) got me an ID bracelet with my name and that I have MS and a contact number (Elyse, my daughter). So if I have that situation or someone runs me over they can ID me... I should have the bracelet also so DO NOT CALL PEC AMBULANCE!!!! Another horrible story... But anyway.... Today is Friday!!! I rested this morning - will go to Body Pump this afternoon (great strength training) and get ready for a early morning 12 mile run tomorrow. I hope to improve my time. That would be awesome!!! We will see... If I am able to do tomorrow - this will make my 4th time. Last week was my best time - 2hrs 44mins... All I can do is try and that is what I ALWAYS intend to do -- ALWAYS TRY!!!!!!!

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