Friday, February 28, 2014

Febuary 28, 2014

I know it has been quite awhile since my last post. Most of it has to do with the HORRIBLE winter we have had. Getting out and running has been next to impossible. We have had more snow and EXTREME COLD this year than in DECADES!!!! The other obstacle has been the DAMN MS!!!!! I have been having a horrible time of keeping my left (weaker side) ankle steady while running. What happens is specially when I get fatigued - the ankle wobbles from the time I pick it up to set it down on the pavement. Now this is VERY SERIOUS!!!! Because - I may set that foot down at a wrong angle that could snap the ankle!!! I did purchase a really good soft brace that I have been wearing to try to keep the ankle from wobbling. It has helped quite a bit. I also contacted my MS doctor and told him the situation. I also explained that I wanted to see a sports medicine doctor to help me with this situation. He agreed and I did visit the sports medicine doctor this week. She put me through my paces... (Which is fine....) Now mind you before I drove an hour to Madison, WI --- I did one of my friends hardest workout that she has put together yet... So I get to the UW facility... and WOW!!!!! It is a new building (huge) with a state of the art gym and HUGE ASS track... The Dr runs tests on me including X-rays and MRI of my ankle. NEXT - she wants to see me run. I am thinking - "I'm tired from Laura's killer workout but why not..." So I run the track as the Dr follows me in a segway. I run it once - she asks if I would do it AGAIN! I thought I was going to die right there!!!! But I'm like "what the hell - if I die I am at least in my hometown". So I did it. I go back to the exam room and she tells me that there is nothing physically wrong with my ankle. She believes that the wobbling (which she witnessed) is due to muscle weakness from the MS. She also applaudes me for being in tune to my body and recognizing an issue BEFORE there is an EXTREME SERIOUS ISSUE (breaking the ankle)! So now what do I do... She advising me to go to a sports medicine physical therapist. She evens knows and highly recommends one in Rockford. So now I have an appointment this Tuesday with this PT. I have not signed up for ANY races yet, all because of this ankle issue. The other factor is the DAMN weather that has not allowed me to do any REAL distance. So I do not really feel comfortable in signing up for my Syttende Mai race yet. I will definately do the 10 miler but, would like to try the 20. It would be a GREAT pre-cursor for doing the full marathon (26.2 miles) in September. Believe me, I do workout all the time and workout HARD!!!! But I also know when I need to pull back and right now I am in a bit of a quandry. Hopefully, within the next week or two I will know what I can sign up for in May. Even this weekend of running, the weather S-U-C-K-S!!!!! The forcasted HIGH is predicted to be 10 degrees with snow... GREAT!!! So it sounds like "inside play days" for me. I just keep going with all my cross training. I really cannot do much more. It is very frustrating! But I will get past it... I will move forward... I have no doubt about that. The DAMN MS has to try and throw me that nasty curve every now and again. What fun would there be if it didn't! Life with MS would be WAY TO BORING, otherwise!!!!! So -- yes -- I'm still and ALWAYS - FORWARD!!!!!!