Friday, October 26, 2012

October 26, 2012

This morning was WONDERFUL!!! It was cool and clear - perfect for running!!! This week has not been my best running week in terms of mileage. Either the weather has been uncooperative or I have been just too fatigued. Oh, well.... Right now, I feel like I am back to my full game!!!! HEY!!!! Over the last weekend, I got in some nice longer runs. It felt good!!! I even did one run that was over 10 miles (not by much because nature was calling). But I am getting closer and closer to my 1000 miles... To date, I am at 866.56 miles --- only 133.44 to go by the end of the year!!!!!!! So even with the weather starting to get more "iffy" I think I can still make my 1000 miles... This weekend I cannot run any long runs since I have a 10K on Sunday. So tomorrow, I plan to do maybe about 5 or so. Then the following weekend, if weather allows, I can knock out some longer miles. I have to admit it is getting harder and harder to get up in the early morning to go running. The weather is cooler, the bed is warm and plus it is dark outside. Right now, it is getting light about the time I return to the gym about 6:30am or so. That will all be changing VERY SOON as we change the clocks back an hour. But my headlamp is working out GREAT!!!! It works just perfect! Between my reflective vest and my headlamp if a car doesn't see me - then they really have issues!!!! LOL!!!! I am not out there to look like a "fashion plate" - I just dress appropriate for the weather and try to be safe. I hope we have a warmer winter this year so that I can continue running outside as much as possible. I am AMAZED this year of HOW MUCH I have improved!!! When I first started coming to the gym, now mind you - I had built myself up tremendously and it took me about 5 YEARS to get to the point that I could even handle walking on the treadmill --- PLUS ACTUALLY wear athletic shoes due to the HORRIBLE neuropathy in my feet!!!! Last year, with my first year of running - I could only run in the morning when my energy level was at its highest. Now, I have NO problems with running in the evening after a FULL day of work. It is AMAZING how much my stamina has improved. Do I still have fatigue issues --- YES -- but so much better. I have some days where everything I do is VERY labor intensive - other days not a problem... It is very odd... Right now, I know I am coming off a fatigue time and it is wonderful... I always feel good not just physically but psychologically too. I do understand where many people with MS have depression issues. It is so VERY VERY HARD when you don't know from day to day where your energy level or the pain level or the cognitive issues or.... is going to be. But it is not only the energy level but everything is affected... Maybe you do not have the energy to even talk with other people let alone due something that demands high energy. So it is really hard!!!! I know this week I was doing well then Tuesday's exercise was EXTREMELY demanding and took me some time to recoop. But that is OK.... I can ALWAYS recoop - if I need a rest day or two - so be it... It took me a long time to get to that realization but I have. I really don't like to let my exercise go any longer than two days... Then I don't feel very good about myself. So this morning after not having a really GOOD run since Tuesday - was WONDERFUL!!!! Even though, I did go to exercise classes and run on the treadmill on Thursday --- it is not the same... I just feel better afterwards, I feel more energetic and more alert. So this weekend, I am SO LOOKING forward to my second 10K run... I know that this one is on flatter ground than the race in Monroe, WI (that was a HARD RUN). So if I can do that - this one is NOT a problem!!!!! We will see how my time stacks against that run!!??? It will be interesting!!! It is really difficult for me to run really fast because then my legs get all out of sequence and then I have greater tendance for falling. This is why I think I like the distance running. It pushes and strengthens my endurance plus makes me overall physically stronger. Plus, you do more of a pace run - so that I can tell my muscles we are running the same pace - then they do not have the sudden change that really causes the nerves to sometimes mis-fire. These are all great things!!! Right now, the sun is shining and I hope that it continues through the weekend for the race. Yes - ALWAYS MOVE FORWARD!!!!!!!!

Friday, October 19, 2012

October 19, 2012

Well this week has not been to great with running. I have NOT run the past couple of days due to the rain. I know that I could have ran inside on the treadmill. I actually did do that on Sunday because I needed to run and the weather has not been too cooperative. Well, it is getting to be that time of year.... I am up to 835.49 miles to date. So I am trying to finish the 1000 by 12/31... So I have 164.51 to go... Basically 11 weeks... 14.96 miles per week. Last week I did over 18 miles and so far this week I have done 14.31 miles. I hope to really push that number this weekend... It is supposed to be dry so I should be able to get in some longer runs. I did sign up for the 10K in Sycamore on Oct 28th. This will be my second 10K race of the season. It is good for me to get in more longer distance races. I am also looking at doing at 8K race in Winnebago on November 10th. I need to really focus on keeping my mileage up. The later part of this week has been really hard - between the rain and my shoulder is still giving me grief. I have not been sleeping well (I never sleep that great due to the neuropathy and spasms in my legs/feet) but the aching pain in my shoulder has really been bothering me.... This weekend is suppose to be good - cool and sunny. I want to get some long runs. Then it would help to knock off some mileage - that would be great!!!! I also know that I have been more fatigued lately. I did get my thyroid med increased so that should help - it will also help with the energy level. My thyroid levels became low as a side effect from the Avonex (interferon injectable I use for my MS). So my thyroid levels have to be monitored. I did have a nice evening run with my running buddy Lisa the other day. It is the first time we have ever ran together. She is much faster than I am. But we did the 4.77 miles at a good pace. I asked her afterwards if I was aweful slow for her. She said that, no - that I had a nice even pace and was not too slow. That made me feel good that I was not extensively holding her back. It was good for me to run with another person. It just makes me more accountable for my pace/time. Hopefully, we can do it again sometime! I do not talk when I run. I HAVE TO STAY FOCUSED 100000% of the time on my running. It is when my mind wanders just a little bit that is when I fall. I have to stay very mindful of my stepping and make sure that lift up my feet and do not drag my foot. I also have to make sure that BOTH legs are stepping. I know this sounds wierd but, sometimes I unconsciencely think I am stepping out on my leg and my leg has not moved. So I am stepping on nothing and down I go... It is really really wierd. So I HAVE to make sure that BOTH legs are stepping out - many times I feel like I am exagerating my steps but that is what I have to do. As I run I get more fatigued and as I get more fatigued the nerves that tell the muscles to move are getting more and more over worked. Now you have to think my nerves are damaged so it is like you having damaged wiring in your house and at first just turning on a simple lamp. That goes OK... Now to that same wiring you plug in your refrigerator - now you would probably have issues... It may spark or only work part of the time or just catch fire.... It is a HUGE gamble... For me it is the same thing... EVERY time I run it is a gamble... My legs may not work properly and then I fall or sometimes they feel so DAMN heavy like I have cement shoes on or I feel like I have rocks in my shoes or I feel like I have SUPER TIGHT compression tights on --- all these feelings of the "fire" from the damaged nerves. I always have to plan a big run on days that I do not have any pressing engagements. Sometimes after I rest for a couple of hours I am ready and do a bunch of activities. Other times I am really fatigued for the rest of the day --- I never know how it is going to play out. This weekend the only things I have planned is running and sewing. If it is nice and I have energy it would be GREAT to get in a nice bike ride. We will see how it goes. That is the thing with MS that is SO VERY FRUSTRATING - the unpredictability. You don't know how you are going to feel after some activities. Sometimes after a very stressfull activity it may even take a couple of days for the fatigue to HIT. But when it hits - IT HITS!!!! Overall - my fatigue level is 100000% better!!!! It used to be after working and then exercise class - I could not even talk with ANYONE... That is how horribly exhausted I was. Even the energy of talking was enough to literally kill me... I still get fatigued but have not been that low of energy in a LONG LONG time.... So tonight is BodyPump (weight lifting exercise routine class) then home and rest...

Friday, October 12, 2012

October 12, 2012

Last weekend was WONDERFUL!!!! I did get to spend some time with my baby while he was home for a VERY short bit. Anytime was GREAT!!! I also was able to meet his girlfriend - she is very sweet!!! I do wish I got the opportunity to spend more time with them but they had various activities and so did I... But we were together at the BIG bonfire party!!! The party was GREAT!!! SO MANY people all having a very nice time. Jake (one of the kid's friend's) put on a WONDERFUL fireworks display... He does an awesome job!!!! I surprisingly very active even with doing the race in the morning. I had a 5K in Orangeville on the Jane Addams trail. That race is usually a fast race since the trail is flat. The only obstacles for me this year was that there were a few places where there was some wet leaves down that was slick and there were also some spots where the limestone was very loose. So I did slow down at these points - I am still recovering from the shoulder sprain and do not need to fall and get a new injury. My time this year=33.19; time last year = 34.12; so almost a minute faster... I was hoping to be at 30 -- maybe next year! The other great thing is that I am closing in on the 1000 miles. To date I am at 818.18 miles -- only 181.82 to go!!!!!!! I have been doing alot of evening runs this week. I think part of it is the fatigue issue and the other part is that it is darker and colder in the morning and the nice warm bed is very very comfortable!!!! But this morning I did get myself up and get in a decent run!!! Hopefully, this weekend I can pull off a longer run. Whether it is 14 miles, I don't know... We will see....

Friday, October 5, 2012

October 5, 2012

IT WILL BE A FANTASTIC WEEKEND!!!!!!! Why am I so excited, you may ask???? I have a few GREAT things going on.... #1 --- my baby, Jeremy, is home!!!!! Of course, he is a full grown man and a United States Marine so, I know that he does not enjoy being referred to as my "baby". But to anyone who is a Mom knows that their children, no matter their current age, is always going to be their babies!!! So all you grown children - DEAL WITH IT --- there is NOTHING you can EVER do to change that fact!!!!! He also brought with him was his new girlfriend. We were surprised and very delighted last night to have them quickly stop by the house after the LONG, LONG drive from Maryland to northern Illinois. #2 -- I have a 5K race on Saturday morning in Orangeville on the BEAUTIFUL Jane Addams Trail. This is a trail that is made from crushed limestone that is so nicely maintained and smooth. The course goes into the woods and over a small stream - the scenery is breathtaking especially this time of year when all the leaves are bursting with color. But I have to maintain focus on my running and footing. This course is relatively flat so I hope to have a very good race time. #3 --- that evening my daughter and husband are hosting a HUGE bonfire party. We have family and friends come and we have a great time!!!! So I think I have GREAT reasons to be very EXCITED about Saturday!!!!! Last Saturday, I went running on a BEAUTIFUL cool morning. I thought I would definately run my 12 mile route. I was doing that and when I was getting back into town I was feeling pretty strong. So I decided to run a bit farther. I had wanted to see if I could run the 13 miles (half marathon distance). Guess what, I DID IT!!! Actually I ran 13.69 miles (yes - I really count and felt that last .69) and ran it 100% It took me 3 hours to complete. Yes, I was tired afterwards. I rested for a bit, showered, changed, and went into Freeport and did all my errands (grocery shopping, ect...) Totally survived. Plus the next day, I ran a shorter distance only 4.9 miles. This week, I have had a great running week. I have ran every day. I have been doing more evening runs this week. Mostly due to the cooler temps in the morning and being lazy and sleeping in. As of this minute, I am at 789.85 miles. Tonight I might do a short run because, I HAVE TO get over 790 miles (can we say compulsive)!!!! Last year, I could have never done evening runs 100% after working all day. This is a testiment to my overall progression. Fatigue is one of my BIG symptoms with my MS. I usually go hard but when I am done - I am done. I become extremely non-verbal and very closed off to anyone around me. But it is one of the many benefits that has developed since I have been running. I don't seem to get that DRASTISTIC fatigue feeling like I used to. I still get fatigued and I still take medication to combat this. But it is SO SO SO much better!!!!! I actually feel like I can function like a "normal" person. Anyone who has true chronic fatigue understands how HORRIBLE this symptom is!!!! It LITERALLY sucks the life right out of you!!!! So this weekend will be fantastic!!!! I will obtain a GREAT time at the 5K race and then get to spend the evening with BOTH my children, family and friends... What could be better?????? Maybe I will even make some hummus (my new love) to bring to the party!!!!!!???? YUMMMMMMMMY!!!!!!!