Friday, October 26, 2012

October 26, 2012

This morning was WONDERFUL!!! It was cool and clear - perfect for running!!! This week has not been my best running week in terms of mileage. Either the weather has been uncooperative or I have been just too fatigued. Oh, well.... Right now, I feel like I am back to my full game!!!! HEY!!!! Over the last weekend, I got in some nice longer runs. It felt good!!! I even did one run that was over 10 miles (not by much because nature was calling). But I am getting closer and closer to my 1000 miles... To date, I am at 866.56 miles --- only 133.44 to go by the end of the year!!!!!!! So even with the weather starting to get more "iffy" I think I can still make my 1000 miles... This weekend I cannot run any long runs since I have a 10K on Sunday. So tomorrow, I plan to do maybe about 5 or so. Then the following weekend, if weather allows, I can knock out some longer miles. I have to admit it is getting harder and harder to get up in the early morning to go running. The weather is cooler, the bed is warm and plus it is dark outside. Right now, it is getting light about the time I return to the gym about 6:30am or so. That will all be changing VERY SOON as we change the clocks back an hour. But my headlamp is working out GREAT!!!! It works just perfect! Between my reflective vest and my headlamp if a car doesn't see me - then they really have issues!!!! LOL!!!! I am not out there to look like a "fashion plate" - I just dress appropriate for the weather and try to be safe. I hope we have a warmer winter this year so that I can continue running outside as much as possible. I am AMAZED this year of HOW MUCH I have improved!!! When I first started coming to the gym, now mind you - I had built myself up tremendously and it took me about 5 YEARS to get to the point that I could even handle walking on the treadmill --- PLUS ACTUALLY wear athletic shoes due to the HORRIBLE neuropathy in my feet!!!! Last year, with my first year of running - I could only run in the morning when my energy level was at its highest. Now, I have NO problems with running in the evening after a FULL day of work. It is AMAZING how much my stamina has improved. Do I still have fatigue issues --- YES -- but so much better. I have some days where everything I do is VERY labor intensive - other days not a problem... It is very odd... Right now, I know I am coming off a fatigue time and it is wonderful... I always feel good not just physically but psychologically too. I do understand where many people with MS have depression issues. It is so VERY VERY HARD when you don't know from day to day where your energy level or the pain level or the cognitive issues or.... is going to be. But it is not only the energy level but everything is affected... Maybe you do not have the energy to even talk with other people let alone due something that demands high energy. So it is really hard!!!! I know this week I was doing well then Tuesday's exercise was EXTREMELY demanding and took me some time to recoop. But that is OK.... I can ALWAYS recoop - if I need a rest day or two - so be it... It took me a long time to get to that realization but I have. I really don't like to let my exercise go any longer than two days... Then I don't feel very good about myself. So this morning after not having a really GOOD run since Tuesday - was WONDERFUL!!!! Even though, I did go to exercise classes and run on the treadmill on Thursday --- it is not the same... I just feel better afterwards, I feel more energetic and more alert. So this weekend, I am SO LOOKING forward to my second 10K run... I know that this one is on flatter ground than the race in Monroe, WI (that was a HARD RUN). So if I can do that - this one is NOT a problem!!!!! We will see how my time stacks against that run!!??? It will be interesting!!! It is really difficult for me to run really fast because then my legs get all out of sequence and then I have greater tendance for falling. This is why I think I like the distance running. It pushes and strengthens my endurance plus makes me overall physically stronger. Plus, you do more of a pace run - so that I can tell my muscles we are running the same pace - then they do not have the sudden change that really causes the nerves to sometimes mis-fire. These are all great things!!! Right now, the sun is shining and I hope that it continues through the weekend for the race. Yes - ALWAYS MOVE FORWARD!!!!!!!!

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