Friday, October 5, 2012

October 5, 2012

IT WILL BE A FANTASTIC WEEKEND!!!!!!! Why am I so excited, you may ask???? I have a few GREAT things going on.... #1 --- my baby, Jeremy, is home!!!!! Of course, he is a full grown man and a United States Marine so, I know that he does not enjoy being referred to as my "baby". But to anyone who is a Mom knows that their children, no matter their current age, is always going to be their babies!!! So all you grown children - DEAL WITH IT --- there is NOTHING you can EVER do to change that fact!!!!! He also brought with him was his new girlfriend. We were surprised and very delighted last night to have them quickly stop by the house after the LONG, LONG drive from Maryland to northern Illinois. #2 -- I have a 5K race on Saturday morning in Orangeville on the BEAUTIFUL Jane Addams Trail. This is a trail that is made from crushed limestone that is so nicely maintained and smooth. The course goes into the woods and over a small stream - the scenery is breathtaking especially this time of year when all the leaves are bursting with color. But I have to maintain focus on my running and footing. This course is relatively flat so I hope to have a very good race time. #3 --- that evening my daughter and husband are hosting a HUGE bonfire party. We have family and friends come and we have a great time!!!! So I think I have GREAT reasons to be very EXCITED about Saturday!!!!! Last Saturday, I went running on a BEAUTIFUL cool morning. I thought I would definately run my 12 mile route. I was doing that and when I was getting back into town I was feeling pretty strong. So I decided to run a bit farther. I had wanted to see if I could run the 13 miles (half marathon distance). Guess what, I DID IT!!! Actually I ran 13.69 miles (yes - I really count and felt that last .69) and ran it 100% It took me 3 hours to complete. Yes, I was tired afterwards. I rested for a bit, showered, changed, and went into Freeport and did all my errands (grocery shopping, ect...) Totally survived. Plus the next day, I ran a shorter distance only 4.9 miles. This week, I have had a great running week. I have ran every day. I have been doing more evening runs this week. Mostly due to the cooler temps in the morning and being lazy and sleeping in. As of this minute, I am at 789.85 miles. Tonight I might do a short run because, I HAVE TO get over 790 miles (can we say compulsive)!!!! Last year, I could have never done evening runs 100% after working all day. This is a testiment to my overall progression. Fatigue is one of my BIG symptoms with my MS. I usually go hard but when I am done - I am done. I become extremely non-verbal and very closed off to anyone around me. But it is one of the many benefits that has developed since I have been running. I don't seem to get that DRASTISTIC fatigue feeling like I used to. I still get fatigued and I still take medication to combat this. But it is SO SO SO much better!!!!! I actually feel like I can function like a "normal" person. Anyone who has true chronic fatigue understands how HORRIBLE this symptom is!!!! It LITERALLY sucks the life right out of you!!!! So this weekend will be fantastic!!!! I will obtain a GREAT time at the 5K race and then get to spend the evening with BOTH my children, family and friends... What could be better?????? Maybe I will even make some hummus (my new love) to bring to the party!!!!!!???? YUMMMMMMMMY!!!!!!!

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