Friday, January 25, 2013

January 25, 2013

Overall not a bad week. I did get in a GREAT longer run on Saturday, 8.4 miles. It has been a long time since I have done that kind of distance. It felt wonderful!!! This weekend is very "iffy" whether I can run outside. It snowed last night and the forecast is for cold and some snow. So it may be an "inside run" weekend. Oh, well... I would LOVE to get outside and do hope it is possible. Right now, it looks like the only window I have is Saturday early afternoon. So maybe??? The first part of this week it was HORRIBLE cold, around 0. That is the WORST for me. My legs are SO HORRIBLY spastic and the pain is unbearable. It doesn't matter that I am inside. I don't know if it has to do with barametic pressure or what. But I know that my legs get horribly spastic and TRUE pain. This started on Monday and did not really "ease up" till after Tuesday night's class with John. His class is EXTREMELY INTENSE... But I am able to keep up with him. I am TRUELY exhausted afterwards -- maybe that EXTREME physical activity was able to warm up these old bones... I don't know and probably never will understand it. I just know it REALLY REALLY REALLY HURTS!!!!!! I did get 29 miles in last week and this week I am at 20. So that is not too bad. Right now, this year I am focusing on distance. I have tried to increase my speed. I can physically do it but my damn legs don't always follow and down I go. It seems that distance works for me. I can just go at my speed and get into a rythem. Since my nerves are SO damaged that change is very difficult for them but, when I have a consistant speed I seem to be able to maintain and lock into it. It still takes me a bit for my nerves to know to stop so I jog/walk for awhile till they learn to "turn off" at the end of a run. But that is OK... There are much worst things. I have to admit this whole running thing is very new to me. This will be my 3rd year of running. I NEVER ran before - I am 100% a novice and at the age of 50+. My last visit to my neuro doc - he was still AMAZED at my progress and EXTREMELY encouraging about my running. The whole aspect of nutrition and exercise are a HUGE KEY!!!! I know that for a fact they have 10000000000% changed my life. I would not be anywhere near (healthwise) I am today. Overall, I am very healthy. I have regular physicals and checkups. I haven't experienced getting the flu or a cold in years. I believe it all stems from the nutrition and exercise. But this is NOT BY ANY MEANS A QUICK FIX... I HAVE BEEN WORKING ON THIS FOR OVER 7 YEARS.... And the WONDERFUL part, on the whole, I keep improving. As many people, without chronic diseases at my age, are complaining about this and that -- I am not. I REALLY BELIEVE it is the key - nutrition and exercise. I do NOT eat processed, fast foods, red meat, dairy, or soda pop. My diet primilary consists of alot of raw foods -- fruits and veggies. I do have desserts but, I make them sugar-free and very low fat. I try to make them as healthy as possible. My typical weekly diet consists of banana or orange (breakfast), lunch is soup and 3 fruits (apples, bananas, pears, later in the afternoon I have yogurt with oatmeal and 2 pieces of fruit and dinner is a large salad with lettuce, carrots, celery, an apple, sometimes a vegan burger and some peanuts with about 4 T. of dressing. Then I usually have a piece of desert that I made over the weekend that is sugar-free and low fat and many times vegan. This is my very typically weekly diet.... It has worked for me not only lossing over 120 lbs but my fatigue level and overall health has improved DRASTICALLY!!!!! So it can be done - not easy but it all depends what YOU want out of your life!!!!! I enjoy being active and want to maintain that. Someday I may have grandchildren and I want to be able to go and play with them. Not just sit in a corner and watch them. I want to be involved!!!! So it is all about CHOICES - what do you chose????

Friday, January 18, 2013

January 11, 2013

This past weekend is was SO NICE outside and warm (about 30-40 degrees F) that I actually got outside and ran. It felt WONDERFUL to be outside instead of being cooped up in the gym. I am also very happy that my shin splints are doing much better. I was able to 4.73 miles on Saturday and 5.83 miles on Sunday outside. So on the whole I am doing very well with the 1000 mile challenge. I am up to 42 miles to date and it is not even the middle of January yet. It is supposed to be warmer on Saturday morning so I am hoping to get some outside miles. After that, it is supposed to turn very cold. So I have to go with the weather - whenever I can get outside I am there. I have also been thinking about getting some trail running shoes for the winter. This would give me more traction which may be very nice since quite a bit of the time there is some snow and ice on the pavement. I also had my semi-annual visit with the MS Neurologist at UW in Madison, WI. He is so impressed with me and is very encouraging about my running. I told him about my goals this year of the 10 mile and half marathon. He thinks it is WONDERFUL. He cannot get over how much I have improved. The one issue we talked about is my restless leg issues. It is really hard for me to sit still at various events and also driving is sometimes hard because the darn leg starts jerking all over. He has increased my one med for spasticity so we will see if that helps. I hope so because it is really very uncomfortable to sit for any length of time.

January 18, 2013

Well, I am starting the New Year with not just doing my one challenge of 1000 miles but we actually are doing 3 CHALLENGES!!!! The other 2 are a 1300 miles and a 1200 miles. What the heck???!!! I have been fortunate this winter and actually got in some outside running time. That is fantastic!!!! I have a new WONDERFUL cold weather run shirt that is GREAT!!!! This week I ordered trail running shoes. Not that I do or will ever do trail running - it is just that the pavement in the winter with the snow/ice and loose pavement - I thought that having more traction on my shoes would probably be a good thing. So now, I am just waiting for them to come. It will take a few weeks, oh well.... I just have to do with what I have til then. Last weekend I did get in some outside run time and it was WONDERFUL!!!!! This weekend it looks like Saturday is my day. After that, the weather is suppose to turn cold and snowy. So I will do as much as I can tomorrow. I did get in quite a bit of mileage in the last weekend. I think that may have been the factor of my fatigue earilier this week. I was having a horrible time. I also think that getting back into the semester and working a FULL week after having so much time off also played a part into it. But that is the way it goes... The nice thing is that we have a 3 day weekend, YEY!!!!!! So that will be nice!!!! My very fortunate son --- believe it or not --- won TWO of the most awesome tickets!!!! One to the Super Bowl (with all expenses paid) and the other to the Presidential Inauguration!!!! Can you believe that???? He actually turned down the Inauguration tickets (conflicted with the Super Bowl). But, my goodness!!! Those are two ONCE in a lifetime events... I know that he will have a wonderful time in New Orleans!!!! Me --- I will be here in the Midwest and running and running and running. If I am not running then I am sewing... Right now working this year's Christmas quilt. It is going to be alot of work so I have to start early. So far, for the month I have logged 70 miles. That is not too bad considering I have not gotten outside to often. Most of my mileage is coming from being on the Precor machine at the gym. This week, I also have to teach TWO pilates classes for my friend. So that will also keep me busy. Which is another thing to my "to do list" is to work on Pilates for these classes. So as usual, no rest for the wicked. But then again... I like being busy -- we all know this.... But as always --- I am moving forward -- ALWAYS FORWARD!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

January 2, 2013

WOW!!! It is the New Year, Christmas is over and so many things has transpired. It has been a whirlwind of activity. Where to begin.... let's start with my running... Yes, I have been running on the Precor machine at the gym. That is the ONLY machine I can run on without causing pain to my shins. Actually, I have ran 11 days straight. Today, may be that much needed rest day. The shin splints are doing better. I do wear my shin compression sleeves every time I run or workout. I do notice a big difference by having them on. I also worked very hard at keeping on track not only with my exercise but my nutrition during the holidays. I did have some Swedish meatballs that I made. It is made with 3 kinds of meat; venison, turkey, and beef. I had about 6 of these and I think with the beef in them; my stomach was nauseas for about 3 days. Plus, I felt more fatigued. So it just shows me that I REALLY cannot do ANY beef at all - even in small amounts. Next year, I will make my Swedish meatballs without any beef at all. I continued my exercise throughout the holiday... In fact, I have ran and worked out for 11 days in a row. Today, may be my rest day. Then we have had some sad news during this time, my sister-in-law has been very ill for awhile now. She was readmitted into the hospital and has been sedated. Yesterday, they removed the breathing tube and she become responsive. I am very concerned and pray for her as to how much more her physical body can withstand. It is a very trying situation. So this was the first year, we did not have any Christmas gathering with the extended Johnson family. So on Christmas Eve, it was just Brian and I and we had a very nice lobster dinner. Then afterwards I walked over to Christmas Eve mass. It was a very low key and relaxing evening. Then Christmas Day, we went to Elyse and Karl's. It was so much fun and the new kitchen is the most amazing remodel I have ever seen. They worked SO SO VERY HARD!!!! In 2012 I ran -- 1,103 miles!!!!!!!!!!!!I have set my goals for 2013.... They include two big running goals: run 100% the Syttendi Mai 10-mile in May; run a half marathon in the fall; complete another 1000 mile in 2013 challenge; run local races 5K's and 10k's. I am not so concerned about speed. For me, speed is very difficult. If I get going to fast, I am not always in full control of my leg movements. If my nerves/muscles decide not to do something (which they do especially when stressed) then I fall and injure myself. So I want to concentrate more on distance this year. I really do enjoy that. Plus, I can just go at MY PACE. As always, I try to push myself to another level. The half marathon is a HUGE step for me. I just want to say that I have done one at least once in my life... that would be pretty cool!!!! The whole holiday vacation time went MUCH TOO FAST!!!! I never get all the items done that I would like - oh, well... But I did get many things done and yes - even a new quilt started. I REALLY enjoyed a new activity this year - making fused/stained glass. I made a total of 4 fused glass stars and then got creative and made 2 sets of earrings and matching barretts. The best part of the Christmas was spending time with my family!!!!! Having both of my children their with their partners - it was GREAT!!! Seeing them interact with each other and having a wonderful time. Plus it was so good to see Jeremy with his girlfriend. They work very well together. I am SO SO THRILLED to see Jeremy happy again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He went through his dark time but, he is back into the light!!!!! All and all - a very nice Christmas season... rememberable with our squirrel adventures.... Now a new year - new challenges and ALWAYS MOVING FORWARD!!!!!!