Friday, January 25, 2013

January 25, 2013

Overall not a bad week. I did get in a GREAT longer run on Saturday, 8.4 miles. It has been a long time since I have done that kind of distance. It felt wonderful!!! This weekend is very "iffy" whether I can run outside. It snowed last night and the forecast is for cold and some snow. So it may be an "inside run" weekend. Oh, well... I would LOVE to get outside and do hope it is possible. Right now, it looks like the only window I have is Saturday early afternoon. So maybe??? The first part of this week it was HORRIBLE cold, around 0. That is the WORST for me. My legs are SO HORRIBLY spastic and the pain is unbearable. It doesn't matter that I am inside. I don't know if it has to do with barametic pressure or what. But I know that my legs get horribly spastic and TRUE pain. This started on Monday and did not really "ease up" till after Tuesday night's class with John. His class is EXTREMELY INTENSE... But I am able to keep up with him. I am TRUELY exhausted afterwards -- maybe that EXTREME physical activity was able to warm up these old bones... I don't know and probably never will understand it. I just know it REALLY REALLY REALLY HURTS!!!!!! I did get 29 miles in last week and this week I am at 20. So that is not too bad. Right now, this year I am focusing on distance. I have tried to increase my speed. I can physically do it but my damn legs don't always follow and down I go. It seems that distance works for me. I can just go at my speed and get into a rythem. Since my nerves are SO damaged that change is very difficult for them but, when I have a consistant speed I seem to be able to maintain and lock into it. It still takes me a bit for my nerves to know to stop so I jog/walk for awhile till they learn to "turn off" at the end of a run. But that is OK... There are much worst things. I have to admit this whole running thing is very new to me. This will be my 3rd year of running. I NEVER ran before - I am 100% a novice and at the age of 50+. My last visit to my neuro doc - he was still AMAZED at my progress and EXTREMELY encouraging about my running. The whole aspect of nutrition and exercise are a HUGE KEY!!!! I know that for a fact they have 10000000000% changed my life. I would not be anywhere near (healthwise) I am today. Overall, I am very healthy. I have regular physicals and checkups. I haven't experienced getting the flu or a cold in years. I believe it all stems from the nutrition and exercise. But this is NOT BY ANY MEANS A QUICK FIX... I HAVE BEEN WORKING ON THIS FOR OVER 7 YEARS.... And the WONDERFUL part, on the whole, I keep improving. As many people, without chronic diseases at my age, are complaining about this and that -- I am not. I REALLY BELIEVE it is the key - nutrition and exercise. I do NOT eat processed, fast foods, red meat, dairy, or soda pop. My diet primilary consists of alot of raw foods -- fruits and veggies. I do have desserts but, I make them sugar-free and very low fat. I try to make them as healthy as possible. My typical weekly diet consists of banana or orange (breakfast), lunch is soup and 3 fruits (apples, bananas, pears, later in the afternoon I have yogurt with oatmeal and 2 pieces of fruit and dinner is a large salad with lettuce, carrots, celery, an apple, sometimes a vegan burger and some peanuts with about 4 T. of dressing. Then I usually have a piece of desert that I made over the weekend that is sugar-free and low fat and many times vegan. This is my very typically weekly diet.... It has worked for me not only lossing over 120 lbs but my fatigue level and overall health has improved DRASTICALLY!!!!! So it can be done - not easy but it all depends what YOU want out of your life!!!!! I enjoy being active and want to maintain that. Someday I may have grandchildren and I want to be able to go and play with them. Not just sit in a corner and watch them. I want to be involved!!!! So it is all about CHOICES - what do you chose????

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