Friday, February 1, 2013

February 1, 2013

Well, last weekend I did have an opportunity to get my new trail (winter) shoes out for a run. I could really fill the difference of having that extra traction. Especially, with snow and ice still being in the street. I am not even talking about all the loose gravel that the road plows put down on the street for extra traction. That is great for the cars but, for runners that can produce a very slippery surface. This weekend, is REAL IFFY about getting outside and running. The temperatures have taken a real nose dive. This morning is was around ZERO degrees. Tomorrow we are suppose to warm up to the 20's. The cold is REALLY REALLY tough on me. I have talked about this before. My legs and feet are so HORRIBLY spastic right now. It HURTS, I mean HURTS!!!! Many who do not have MS just say, wear layers you will be OK. It is not just wearing the layers and the proper clothing. This is a cold that penetrates through all of that and cause such pain and spastic issues. I sometimes think the real cold is the worst on me. Not only the pain and spasticity but, all this really plays a toll on my fatigue and energy level. I tend to go into my hibernation mode. Which means, becoming extremely non-verbal and non-social. It is not fun.... But I try to think positive and know that this is February now and the extreme cold will soon be a thing of the past. I am looking forward to more longer runs outside. Soon I will be registering for the 10 mile run in Stoughton in May. I am so looking forward to that run. I am going to nail that sucker - run it 100000% NO PROBLEMS!!!!! I might not be the fastest in the pack but, who in the HELL cares..... At least I am doing it. As you have figured out, I do not believe in stopping EVER!!!! And who wants to --- I ENJOY and THRIVE on being busy. I always have and probably always will....

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