Friday, February 22, 2013

February 22, 2013

OK --- I HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT!!!!!!! IT IS OFFICIAL!!!!!!! I HAVE SENT IN MY REGISTRATION FOR THE 10 MILE RUN FOR SYTTENDI MAI IN STOUGHTON, WI!!!! So you know what that means -- training has begun. Right now, due to weather issues I have been sentenced to running on the Precor machine. I did have an opportunity to get outside last Sunday - it had warmed up and alot of the snow/ice had melted. But there was a problem --- my damn body -- it was NOT going to happen. I was really wrestling with a bout of MS fatigue. So I spent the day watching old movies and working on the new "quilt from hell". This is what my WONDERFUL daughter has "sentenced" me to do for her. (Truly I am kidding - I really enjoy it.. but do love to give her a tough time - just for kicks!) So this weekend, I will be one with the Precor machine. That is all I am going to be able to do. We just recieved more snow last night (7") and it snowing again now. So it does not look like outside is going to work for me. The only hope is if Sunday it warms up and the streets are plowed really well. Never know... I will just have to wait and see... Plus, the other exciting news is that we are getting ready for our Run Club to begin in Pecatonica!!!! So I will be getting in more distance running in the evening (it will be light longer soon and warmer). As far as my overall MS issues... I have been holding fairly steady. As I reflect back, I have made leaps and bounds progress on my fatigue and overall stamina. Also, due to my various physical exercise my stamina for lifting and doing mundane tasks (like shoveling snow) is DRASTICALLY improved. I do still have issues with fatigue, spasticity, optic neuritis (blurred vision), tremors, some cognitive fog (MUCH IMPROVED), tolerance to heat/cold is improved but still hard for me, balance is DRASTICALLY improved... so as you see I am making progress. I still have ALL these issues plus some others... but I have them fairly in check. Probably my main issues are the fatigue and the spasticity.... My muscles get VERY spastic and YES IT HURTS... I mean ALOT.... Also I deal with the CONSTANT numbness and pins/needles feelings in my feet/legs/hands... sometimes it goes in my arms and face. All these issues that I have named --- guess what.... you cannot see them... But believe me there are VERY VERY VERY real to me. That is whole issue with MS because it attacks the nervous system - many of the pain or issues are not apparent to the outside. But that is the way MS works.... I have what is labeled --Secondary-Progressive MS. Here is the description: Secondary-progressive MS is more of a mixed bag. Initially it may involve a period of relapsing-remitting activity, with symptom flare-ups followed by recovery periods. Yet, the disability of MS doesn’t disappear between cycles. Instead, this period of fluctuation is followed by a steady worsening of the condition. People with secondary-progressive MS may experience minor remissions or plateaus in their symptoms, but this is not always the case. So this is why I CELEBRATE EACH and EVERY race and run that I finish. Because, I do not know when or if my body will force me to quit. I am VERY THANKFUL and REJOICE in every run and workout that I do. I know that each one of them helps to make me stronger and hopefully keeps the ravages of MS at bay a little longer. Soon I am going to be a Grandmother. I want SO VERY DESPERATELY to be able to go run and play with my grandchild. I want VERY DESPERATELY to be able to use the jogging stroller that I have in my garage with that child and maybe other grandchildren. I LOVE being active!!!! The more active the better!!!! So I will continue to MOVE FORWARD --- ALWAYS FORWARD!!!!!!

Friday, February 8, 2013

February 8, 2013

I have not ran outside due to the snow and ice on the streets. Just last night, we had another snow storm with quite a bit of ice. So whether I can get any outside run time in on Sunday is still very questionable. The temperatures are supposed to be warmer but, the ice on the roads makes it tough. Even though, I do have my new trail shoes that have ALOT more traction. We will see... Otherwise, there is the good ol' Precor machine. Tomorrow, Saturday, I probably will not get any run time in. We are going to Madison, WI for a Garden Expo. It is a REAL fun time! There is a number of various experts and you learn all kinds of things about gardening and planting. Plus, there is a ton of vendors. So it is always fun to look and see what they have. We have been volunteering at the Expo for the various lectures for a few years now. It is GREAT! We get to listen to the lecture, help out the speaker a bit, take attendance, and take care of the lights --- and we get FREE admitance into the event, FREE parking, and FREE to the lectures. So we figure that we SAVE about $50 dollars a piece. That is VERY VERY NICE... All for passing out some papers, turning on/off lights, opening/closing doors... OHHH - so so hard!!!! Plus we still have TONS of time to go off see the vendors and participate in all the other activties in the day. So my husband and I look forward to Expo every February. It is also nice to think planting season and spring are coming soon. Then with spring means being able to run outside without the snow and ice!!!! So I know that it is all coming!!!!! Just to demostrate how wonderfully I have progressed with my MS. Our snowblower broke this winter. The cost of the repair is the same as a new one. Plus, now in the winter the price is very high. The best time to buy is off-season. The other factor is that my WONDERFUL son-in-law has been great at plowing our driveway with his truck. So the only thing I REALLY have deal with is the sidewalks. But, I have been outside shoveling usually before he gets to our house. Yesterday, with the snow being VERY WET and HEAVY - I shoveled about 5" of snow and did the driveway (our drive is very long) and ALL the sidewalks. This was after a full day of work and running at the gym. I was tired but not that HORRIBLE MS fatigue. I used to get HORRIBLE MS fatigue just from reading a book. I am not kidding. For people that do not know about MS fatigue - the best description came from a friend of mine. Imagine that you had just shit yourself (VERY noticably and smelly) and you are in a room with your peer, family, friends, co-workers and you DO NOT CARE ONE BIT!!!!! That is EXACTLY what MS fatigue is like --- you are THAT incredibly exhausted. I do still take retilin for my MS fatigue that helps TREMENDOUSLY. It also helps me with being about to focus and not have this ADHD thing going on. Why do I think that it is better? It is due to 1. nutrition 2. lifestyle and 3. exercise. I REALLY REALLY believe that!!!! My daughter and son-in-law had the family over for dinner last Sunday. They announced that they are expecting. This will be all of our FIRST grandchild. I have WORKED VERY HARD... I DO NOT to be the Grandma that just sits and watches the child. I want to be the Grandma that interacts, plays, runs, climbs, and everything else with the child. I purchase last year was a jogging stroller with the idea that maybe someday that would be a GREAT thing. Now it looks like I WILL be able to use my stroller. I will be able to go running and take the child with me in the stroller. That is the kind of Grandma that I want to be - hands on and active!!!!! I really believe that everyone makes their own choices (to an extent). We are dealt whatever - it is how we deal with it from there. I choice to FIGHT not just a little bit --- BUT FULL FORCE!!!! I also don't plan to let go of my fight! Yes, I am getting older - so WHAT... But I am still going to go on running as long as I can.... I am planning to be active with my grandkids - play WITH them, interact, climb, run.... So I fall... yeh - hell - I fall down just by myself... I WILL NOT STOP!!!! So what do you want to do????? Sit and let the world go by or get out there, interact, play, and have FUN with life??????? You DO HAVE A CHOICE!!!! Whether it is MS or any other chronic disease.. There are many ways around the boat -- which way do YOU CHOSE???????? Remember - ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS MOVE FORWARD!!!!!!

Friday, February 1, 2013

February 1, 2013

Well, last weekend I did have an opportunity to get my new trail (winter) shoes out for a run. I could really fill the difference of having that extra traction. Especially, with snow and ice still being in the street. I am not even talking about all the loose gravel that the road plows put down on the street for extra traction. That is great for the cars but, for runners that can produce a very slippery surface. This weekend, is REAL IFFY about getting outside and running. The temperatures have taken a real nose dive. This morning is was around ZERO degrees. Tomorrow we are suppose to warm up to the 20's. The cold is REALLY REALLY tough on me. I have talked about this before. My legs and feet are so HORRIBLY spastic right now. It HURTS, I mean HURTS!!!! Many who do not have MS just say, wear layers you will be OK. It is not just wearing the layers and the proper clothing. This is a cold that penetrates through all of that and cause such pain and spastic issues. I sometimes think the real cold is the worst on me. Not only the pain and spasticity but, all this really plays a toll on my fatigue and energy level. I tend to go into my hibernation mode. Which means, becoming extremely non-verbal and non-social. It is not fun.... But I try to think positive and know that this is February now and the extreme cold will soon be a thing of the past. I am looking forward to more longer runs outside. Soon I will be registering for the 10 mile run in Stoughton in May. I am so looking forward to that run. I am going to nail that sucker - run it 100000% NO PROBLEMS!!!!! I might not be the fastest in the pack but, who in the HELL cares..... At least I am doing it. As you have figured out, I do not believe in stopping EVER!!!! And who wants to --- I ENJOY and THRIVE on being busy. I always have and probably always will....