Friday, January 18, 2013

January 11, 2013

This past weekend is was SO NICE outside and warm (about 30-40 degrees F) that I actually got outside and ran. It felt WONDERFUL to be outside instead of being cooped up in the gym. I am also very happy that my shin splints are doing much better. I was able to 4.73 miles on Saturday and 5.83 miles on Sunday outside. So on the whole I am doing very well with the 1000 mile challenge. I am up to 42 miles to date and it is not even the middle of January yet. It is supposed to be warmer on Saturday morning so I am hoping to get some outside miles. After that, it is supposed to turn very cold. So I have to go with the weather - whenever I can get outside I am there. I have also been thinking about getting some trail running shoes for the winter. This would give me more traction which may be very nice since quite a bit of the time there is some snow and ice on the pavement. I also had my semi-annual visit with the MS Neurologist at UW in Madison, WI. He is so impressed with me and is very encouraging about my running. I told him about my goals this year of the 10 mile and half marathon. He thinks it is WONDERFUL. He cannot get over how much I have improved. The one issue we talked about is my restless leg issues. It is really hard for me to sit still at various events and also driving is sometimes hard because the darn leg starts jerking all over. He has increased my one med for spasticity so we will see if that helps. I hope so because it is really very uncomfortable to sit for any length of time.

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