Friday, January 18, 2013

January 18, 2013

Well, I am starting the New Year with not just doing my one challenge of 1000 miles but we actually are doing 3 CHALLENGES!!!! The other 2 are a 1300 miles and a 1200 miles. What the heck???!!! I have been fortunate this winter and actually got in some outside running time. That is fantastic!!!! I have a new WONDERFUL cold weather run shirt that is GREAT!!!! This week I ordered trail running shoes. Not that I do or will ever do trail running - it is just that the pavement in the winter with the snow/ice and loose pavement - I thought that having more traction on my shoes would probably be a good thing. So now, I am just waiting for them to come. It will take a few weeks, oh well.... I just have to do with what I have til then. Last weekend I did get in some outside run time and it was WONDERFUL!!!!! This weekend it looks like Saturday is my day. After that, the weather is suppose to turn cold and snowy. So I will do as much as I can tomorrow. I did get in quite a bit of mileage in the last weekend. I think that may have been the factor of my fatigue earilier this week. I was having a horrible time. I also think that getting back into the semester and working a FULL week after having so much time off also played a part into it. But that is the way it goes... The nice thing is that we have a 3 day weekend, YEY!!!!!! So that will be nice!!!! My very fortunate son --- believe it or not --- won TWO of the most awesome tickets!!!! One to the Super Bowl (with all expenses paid) and the other to the Presidential Inauguration!!!! Can you believe that???? He actually turned down the Inauguration tickets (conflicted with the Super Bowl). But, my goodness!!! Those are two ONCE in a lifetime events... I know that he will have a wonderful time in New Orleans!!!! Me --- I will be here in the Midwest and running and running and running. If I am not running then I am sewing... Right now working this year's Christmas quilt. It is going to be alot of work so I have to start early. So far, for the month I have logged 70 miles. That is not too bad considering I have not gotten outside to often. Most of my mileage is coming from being on the Precor machine at the gym. This week, I also have to teach TWO pilates classes for my friend. So that will also keep me busy. Which is another thing to my "to do list" is to work on Pilates for these classes. So as usual, no rest for the wicked. But then again... I like being busy -- we all know this.... But as always --- I am moving forward -- ALWAYS FORWARD!!!!!!

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