Wednesday, March 14, 2012

March 14, 2012

Well, yesterday was the beginning of our running club. I had ran 3.5 miles in the morning before work. Then worked all day. Our run club meet in the afternoon 6p. It was nice to see a fairly large group at our initial run club meeting. I hope that they all stick it out. We did have our little group (the old ladies) me, Lisa, and Sue. The rest of the people are pretty young. But that is OK. I am in the intermediate group. I have moved up from the beginning group. (Not bad for someone that was still using a cane up to a year ago!!!!) We were supposed to go on a run that was a little over 3 miles. Well, I started running and I was way in the back of our group which is OK) then we got to a crossroads. I was unsure which way to go. I had met up with another group and asked. I thought I was to go straight down the road. So I did. As I was going - I am getting pretty tired and I am heading into the town of Pecatonica. I knew I had defininetly gotten off course. Plus, I also knew it would be getting dark soon. So I turned around and ran back to where we started. The only people there were 2 of the leaders. I told them where I went and I went way farther than the rest of them. The group only did a little over 3 miles. I clocked my path with the car after -- I did 5.2 miles.... So yeh - I did over shoot the route by a bit... Wouldn't you say??? My poor MS brain gets tired and it just shuts down. Today, my biggest problem is my hips are hurting especially the right one. I did try to run this morning on the treadmill but was only able to squeeze out 2 miles and that was really slow. I know I have my phone with me and it does have a GPS so it I get really lost. I am really a sad case sometimes... But hey - I keep going. So yesterday I got quite of bit of miles in... between morning and afternoon grand total of 8.7. So see - I can do that 10 mile race. Will I be able to run it 100% - I don't know... But I know I can finish it. That is the main aspect! Plus, I still have 2 months of training before that race - so I am confident that I will be fine...

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