Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Today is not a great day... The fatigue and muscular weakness is really laboring on me. I tried to run this morning on the treadmill. I could only do one mile at a time. I was having a lot of issues with stability. So I had to hang on which actually makes it harder to run. Tonight we are meeting for run club. We will see how that goes. Plus, it has gotten much colder outside compared to the weekend. It is in the mid-40's now but supposed to be in the 60's by the time for run club. I did bring both short and pants - just in case. I really cannot run in the cold. The cold causes my muscles to contract and they do NOT like to lengthen at all. This is when I have actually torn muscle fiber. And if you want to experience some pain - there you go... Even someone who's legs are primarily numb can feel that pain... Plus the healing time.. it takes weeks - which would not be very good for my training... So I have to be VERY cautious when the weather is cooler and I am fatigued. People who do not have chronic fatigue issues do not understand how debilitating fatigue is... I think this is one of the worst symptoms of MS. I know I have to be very careful and calculated with my energy levels. You may think - well she does so much... I also try very hard to calculate where I spend my energy. There are some very sedentary activities that TOTALLY exhaust me. One is reading a book - I might have well have ran a marathon. Since I love to read, I have found an alternative - audio books. These are wonderful! One can download them for FREE from the public library on your Ipod and listen to them anywhere. So with fatigue you have to learn to be creative with your energy. Also there are times (many times) that you just have to say "no". That is VERY difficult but that is just the way it is. It can be hard for the non-MS person to hear that you cannot do something - but they just have to deal with it. If they can't - well that is THEIR problem!!!!
But, it is sometimes hard to keep positive on heavy fatigue days - but you just have to. Remember - there are MUCH MUCH worse things.....

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