Monday, July 2, 2012

July 2, 2012

Well, I survived one on the hardest races of the season. Not only did I survive but I ran it 100% (which was my goal) and got 3rd place!!! WOW!!!! The Stockton 5K is always EXTREMELY HOT and the hills and grades on the course are very challenging!!! Last year, at that race time I was not running a 5K 100%. I was not running that far 100% till about later July... So it just shows how much I have improved. I recieved a really BEAUTIFUL medal!!! That is what I would LOVE for a Christmas present is a hanger/showcase for all my medals!!! That would be so wonderful!!! But I was looking back at my time from last year's Stockton's race I did it in 38.19 mins. This year's time was 34.52. That is an improvement in ONE YEAR of 3.67 mins or 10% improvement... That is pretty darn AWESOME!!! I know that I have done better with my time. But for that course which has so many very steep hills and grades plus the heat... I know that I went as fast as I could.... Next year, we will see... maybe I can do it faster... My next race is this Saturday... So no rest... I have been running every day since the race. I have not stopped. I have ran as early as I can to try to avoid as much heat as possible. But since the temps have been nearing 100 during the day --- even the early morning is still very very very hot. But I have been holding it together... This morning I did the 3.5 route from Summit to the fairgrounds and around the grandstand twice... I did it in 39 mins.... So that is not too bad considering the heat.... I am up to a total of 509.82 miles to date... This is since February 14, 2012!!! So my goal of the 1000 miles in one year - is a strong maybe.... I just kept track and also the challenge just for fun... What the heck??? But I am TOTALLY enjoying it and challenging myself to do more and more miles is really mindblowing!!! Here I NEVER would have thought I could do this... Not only do to the MS and all my physical limitations but there are other factors.... These factors include age (hey I am over 50); the fact that I NEVER was a runner and NEVER ran before; and there is the weight issue. I have started my whole journey grossly overweight. I still struggle with the weight and probably always will but, I feel for the first time in my life I have found the right path for me... I have found not just a "diet" but it is a way of life for me... So people ask me what I eat??? I stay with non-processed foods, alot of raw foods, no red meat, very little dairy (the only thing is yogurt a few times per week), ect.... So I make my own bread (in the breadmaker) that is with course wheat. I use very little white flour. All my flour is organic. I limit the fat content as much as possible. I use olive or canola oil sparingly. So what do I eat??? Yesterday, I had a vegan waffle (my husband made) using pumpkin and yogurt (no eggs) and sugar-free syrup, an orange and banana. For lunch I had a bowl of watermelon cut in cubes and peanut butter sandwich. Dinner was a turkey bratwurst on a homemade wheat bun; baked beans (vegan); watermelon. Then for dessert we had raspberry creme pie that I made with tofu... It was WONDERFUL!!! So there is a sample of my menu for a day. This morning for example I have had an orange and banana... I do eat ALOT of fruit and raw veggies... Tonight for dinner I will have a very large salad... But that is my dinner.... All raw greens... I LOVE it!!!! But like I have said it is a combination of items that have raised me to this point. Yes, the nutrition is a HUGE deal but also the exercise and also your overall mental status... You have to be accepting and deal with the good and the bad. When the bad (MS issues) you don't have to LOVE it... Bull --- it SUCK!!! No you have every right to get mad as HELL at it... But then you have to move on... and look at what you do have.... My MS has been a very bittersweet thing to me... If I was not diagnosed I may never have "woken up" and realized what I was doing to my own health. I was literally killing myself with the horrible nutrition and non-exercise. But the MS did "wake me up". I did realize I need to do something. I do not want to be depend on others... I WANT to be mobile... I want to be able to go do things that I enjoy... Yes - and now after 6 years of working on myself I am at that point. I can go somewhere and enjoy myself. Not go and be so damn tired that I could barely do anything. Plus be absolutely exhausted for days and days after... That is not fun... My fatigue level has improved GREATLY!! I still take my ritalin for my fatigue but it is SO SO much better. Every aspect of my symptoms have improved... There are days that it is hard, I mean REALLY REALLY hard... But you just have to keep moving.... So I do... Well another race coming up and the heat is supposed to be staying with us... All I can do is try and go... The faster I go the sooner I can cool down... That is how I look at it. I still want to go out for a long run (12 miles) but I cannot with this heat. There is NO WAY! Maybe I can do my fairgrounds route twice and stop for water half way - if I get up really early. I generally now leave at about 5:30a. So I would have to leave before 5a I think to get all that in before the heat really kills me... Well, it is 4th of July holiday this week... So I only work 2 days this week... HEY!!!! More run time for me... Plus, I am teaching Pilates for my friend at the gym this week. So I have to prepare for that... So I am ALWAYS busy -- I love it!!!!

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