Friday, March 15, 2013

March 15, 2013

Yes, Sunday is March 17th. The day that we recognize St. Patrick. As an Irish American, I do celebrate St. Patty's day. I do not do many of the typical activities ie; drinking beer, eating cooked cabbage, or even corn beef... I do LOVE soda bread... Now to me that is the BEST!!!! I even started last weekend and made some for us. I even made us each a bread bowl out of the soda bread - that was AWESOME!!!! This weekend - I will make some more but I am thinking instead of soup maybe my carrot hummus. Then, of course, a green vegetable to be 100% diplomatic!!!!! Well, this week we started our run club in Pecatonica. That is ALWAYS fun!!! The first day, Tuesday it was actually snowing. I ran but it was cold. Then on Thursday - same thing - cold and snow.... But me and my run buddy, Lisa, we perserved. We are both trying to build our mileage all with the goal of the half marathon. I am closer than her on building my mileage. My strength in running is my endurance (going long distance) and her strength is speed. So I am teaching her how to pace for the long run and she is pushing me on going faster. So I believe it is a good combination... We are both gaining from each others attributes. The first night, due to the cold and organizing, we only ran 3.27 miles. Last night, we gave ourselves time for a good run before it got dark. So we went out earlier than the rest of the group and ran 6.35 miles. Lisa has not run that far this year... It was a good run - nice pace... Last weekend it rained pretty much the whole time. But by some stroke of God - I happened to be able to get outside and run during a pocket of time that it was dry. I did run 8.24 miles on Saturday. How this happened - who knows. (See God wants me out running...) I did stay in town due to a few factors: #1 the weather being so "iffy" #2 staying nearby restrooms (especially since I had a bit (get real - ALOT) of coffee before the run) #3 not really sure how far I could go and #4 roadways still having ice/snow/gravel on them making them slick. Now this weekend, we still have snow on the ground. The weather forecast is that it is to be about 36 degrees and overcast. So that will be fine for a nice longer run. I am hoping to "up my game" this weekend and do about 10 miles. That would be GREAT!!!! I am still having issues with upset stomach when I really do long runs and stress my body. I cannot eat after a long run. It takes some time (hours) before I can eat. Then I can only eat something pretty mild. I don't know why this happens. It may be due to a bottoming out of my electrolytes or potassium. I did get some chews to have before/after a run and also a mix to have in my water bottle. I want to see if this helps me. Yes, I am tired after a long run like that but nothing horrible. Saturday, I was still able to go out afterwards and do all my errands and shopping. Not an issue.... So I think that if I go out tomorrow I will take some of those chews and the water bottle mix with me in my pack. Let's see if that helps... Otherwise, I am ahead of schedule for my long run training for Syttendi Mai. It is 9 weeks till the run. I started my FIRST long run last year 8 weeks prior. I also started those 8 weeks doing 12 miles each week. But right now I am 2 weeks ahead of schedule. So this weekend, I really have to get the 10 miles in. Then after that, I will be doing my country or town route of 12 miles. That is my plan... Of course, this is barring weather issues, MS issues, etc.... I would love to get this tummy thing figured out. Muscularly I do not hurt after a long run, just a bit tired but nothing horrible. We did change the clocks this last weekend - more daylight (YES!!!!). That helps me so much!!! I was doing well then Wednesday, the fatigue hit hard... I really think it was the adjusting to the new time. Now, at the end of the week I am feeling more normal and with more energy. Now - I just want to get in a good longer run!!!! Remember ALWAYS FORWARD!!!!!!

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