Saturday, March 23, 2013

March 23, 2013

We still have snow on the ground. It is amazing the comparison from last year at this time. There is exactly 8 weeks before the 10 mile race in Stoughton WI. Todays HIGH should be in the mid-30's. The way it has been here that is a heat wave!!! Right now at 7:30a it is still in the low 20's. I have been getting in some moderate distance 7 to 8 miles but nothing higher in town. I really need to get out into the country and do at least 12 miles at a stretch. The cold air is really hard on me. My MS symptoms REALLY don't like it! My muscles tend to stay very constricted and I am more prone to having spasms. At least I have been running outside the last few weeks. I am still running in with the trail shoes on. It is amazing the amount of traction and stability they provide. At least for this time of year with loose sand/gravel and ice on the roads these are GREAT!! I would definately recommend to get trail shoes for runners for this time of year, no matter what your issues may be. I can't WAIT till when it is warmer and sunner... I can roll out of bed and jump into some short/tank top - and off I go... That will be SO WONDERFUL since this year, we seem to have the winter that will NEVER END!!! I keep saying that now it is getting toward the END of March - the snow/cold has to be over SOON. My worry is that we are going to go immediately from snow/ice to 90 degrees. Last years, Syttendi Mai race was HORRIBLY HOT. I have done the 17 mile the one year when it was raining/sleeting. (That was beyond HORRIBLE -- I have NEVER NEVER been so cold in my ENTIRE LIFE.) But that is one of the biggest factor with that race - it is not your ability to do the task of the number of miles but the environmental factors that you have NO CONTROL over!!!! That is what REALLY takes the toll on your body. I know what my task is... I have ahead in my ability compared to last year, even if I have not done 12 miles in one stretch for awhile. I have come close to the 10 mile and lived. So I really think I will be OK. The one thing that does concern me is the bladder control aspect. This may be a subject that to many is dispecable but, in the MS world this is very real. I have noticed that not just the cold but overall my bladder control has gotten a little worse. I do not mind having to "let go" while running.. but when it is cold to "let go" is another factor... Then you have something very very cold... That is not good... But you also need to stay hydrated so what is a poor MS girl with bladder issues to do??? When I run in town I can stop at various places and use the facilities but out in the country? The only thing I can do is go out in the field/woods and hope a snake doesn't crawl up me... As for my bout with "squishing tummy" after a long run.... Last week when I ran later in the day and had eaten, I did not seem to have the problems as much. So this morning I did have a waffle, banana with peanut butter and an orange. Plus I will water drink mix and my vitamen B chewy.... Let's see what that does??? All you can do is try!!!! I don't mind stopping to pee - to me as long as I have run before/after.. that counts as a 100% run time. I just stop my clock for that specific time. I know that during a race the clock does not stop JUST FOR ME TO PEE but - it is the priniciple of the thing to my poor little mind... I keep praying/hoping that soon VERY VERY VERY soon it will warm up. The snow/ice will be gone... It will I know that it will!!! Well, wish me luck... I will be out there in the next few minutes... I ALWAYS RUN AND ALWAYS THINK THAT I AM RUNNING FOR ALL THOSE PEOPLE WITH MS THAT CANNOT RUN!!! I RUN NOT JUST FOR ME BUT YOU ALSO... YES, I CAN RUN NOW --- BUT I DO NOT KNOW THE PROGRESSION OF MY DISEASE WILL I BE ABLE TO DO THIS NEXT YEAR OR THE FOLLOWING YEAR???? I DO NOT KNOW THE ANSWER.... I TAKE I STEP AT A TIME.... THAT IS WHAT I HAVE DONE THROUGH THIS WHOLE JOURNEY.. ONE STEP AT A TIME... From the times that I was using a WALKER to even go to the end of my block and back (my block has 3 houses and I am in the middle - so that is really really not far). TO THE PROGRESSION OF MAKING DOWN 2 BLOCKS AND BACK... EACH TIME A LITTLE FARTHER.... Was I really that bad ---- HELL YES!!!!!!!!!! So YES I KNOW... do I know what the MS neuropathy pain is ---- HELL YES!!!! DO I STILL HAVE IT --- HELL YES!!!! It is just not as intense... I still feel all the tightness pressure/MS Hug, ect... I have learned to move PAST IT... I believe that is the key... to learn (somehow) to move PAST it... HOW - you just set your mind to say "FUCK YOU MS!!!" and go for it.... No GREAT philosophical mind - very simple -- just GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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