Friday, May 11, 2012

May 11, 2012

Well, one week from tomorrow is the BIG 10 mile race in Stoughton, Wisconsin. This what I have been working for since I started running last spring/summer. Now, mind you, I just stopped using my CANE last spring (around April) and did not even run a 5K 100% till mid-July. Now, I have been consistantly running 12 miles (100%) for the last 5 weekends - one more to go. That is pretty damn good for a 50+ year old woman with secondary progressive MS. This week, I am only focusing on my training and nutrition. That is what is very imperative!!!! Last Saturday, I ran the 12 miles and did fall at about 11 miles - damn! I only skinned my knee and my face a bit - no real damage. I did walk a couple of yards to get myself together and off I went. I was more mad at myself and the damn MS than anything. I know EXACTLY what happened to cause the fall. I was tired (like I said I was at mile 11) and then came up on the bridge (now this is the 6th one I cross on my route) and the change in pavement makes a HUGE difference for me. Since I cannot feel with my feet (due to the extremely numbness - it is like they are ALWAYS asleep) and the nerve damage. The message of something as simple as a pavement change from my body to my brain takes longer and then it has to go back to my feet to accomadate the change. Well, for me it takes more time due to the extensive nerve damage. As I have stated before, I know my big problem areas - change of surface, downhills, and curves. These are the 3 areas that I have to REALLY REALLY concentrate on my footing. This is why I don't want or really like to run with another person. It is not being mean or anti-social it is just that it takes a 10000% of my focus to watch my running surface and listen to my body. I cannot even explain how much concentration this takes... Obviously, I can do it... Look at what I have done so far... It is really quite incredible.... Last year, I found out about the 10 mile race in Stoughton and I decided that was my goal to be doing that race in the following year. Well, due to A LOT of really really hard work, nutrition, family, friends and God at my side.... I will be there next Saturday... I have the following goals: 1. stay upright (no falls) 2. finish 3. run it 100% 4. not be last (that is just embarrassing). Then after that I pretty much have my day planned at the festival - it is a Norwegian festival. First go to the bakery - have lefse (Norwegian potato super thin like pancakes) with coffee (lots and lots of coffee)... Walk around awhile - work off the lefse and coffee.... Lunch - corn on the cob and turkey or vegan bratwurst.... Walk around some more... Snack later --- some wonderful Toffuti "ice cream".... Walk around with the various activities then dinner - more corn on the cob and turkey/vegan bratwurst and any lefse that may be around.... Also some krepkaka - I would accept...... YUMMMY!!!!!! So I am going to base the rest of my day around food. I will go and do activities between my meals.... I am still staying on my same nutrition - but I am just going to ENJOY!!!!!! Right after the race - I will lay on the ground and "die" for awhile... then shower and be ready to GO!!!!! I am so very very very very excited - can you tell?????!!!!!!!!! One thing I have really been battling this week is the DAMN MS FATIGUE MONSTER!!!!!! I really HATE it! It over powers everything. We had the Walk MS last Sunday - which we really rocked... We were the ONLY walk site in the State of Illinois that achieved our goal BEFORE anyone even started walking... That is really cool!!!!!!!!! But it is A LOT of work and I am the chairperson.... I have also resigned from being chair. So I went out on a high note. I just don't have the time to devote like I really want - not if I am going to continue to race and my other activities... I am just getting stretched to thin. I will still be involved and do stuff but just not lead. Plus, the chapter office has not been real helpful they actually caused more problems than anything that needed to be remedied. So it is time for me to step back. The people on my committee are the ABSOLUTE BEST in the whole world - I LOVE and RESPECT everyone of them with my WHOLE HEART!!!!!!!! This is EXTREMELY SINCERE!!!!!!!!!!! With that said, I am praying that this race goes well and I am able to achieve ALL my goals. Because EVERY TIME I run - it is not just for myself but I think and run for EVERYONE with MS that cannot.... After the race I will "reward" myself!!!! If this goes OK - I would really like to do another 10 mile or at least 10K toward the end of the summer. That way it will keep me training on the distance running. Plus, it would be interesting my time in May versus the end of summer.... But I am going to wait before signing up for anything like that till AFTER this race.... I have already booked a few races for the summer. My next after Stoughton is the Pecatonica Memorial Day 5k. That is right at my home. I know the route - it has been the same for years. This will be my 4th time. The first 2 - I walked it WITH MY CANE... and was NOT last... Last year, I just started running. I ran it about 50 to 60% and actually got 3rd place in my age group. That was the shock of the century. Now that I am running 100% - it will be interesting to see what happens!!!?????? I don't have a clue - I just know that I will give it everything I have... That is all I can do..... OH - maybe after Pecatonica race I can have some coffee and lefse... I have to make sure I buy extra packets in Stoughton next weekend -- JUST FOR ME!!!!!!! Yes - reward myself with FOOD!!!! Oh - why not!!!!!!

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