Wednesday, July 17, 2013

July 17, 2013

I was able to get in some fairly longer runs last weekend. I was able to do 3 days in a row of 7.5 miles. I would love to be able to do the same this weekend. The only factor that would prohibit me is the heat. I will try to get up as early as possible and go. That is all I can do. I have to be VERY CAREFUL about the heat... As I have discussed before, people with MS and heat are not a good mix. In fact, it is a dangerous combination. My body cannot regulate internal temperature like the normal person and if my core temp stays on the HOT SETTING - then various things basically melt. This means cells, organs, muscle tissue, on and on.... So I am careful, even when I run in the afternoon. It is for short distances and immediately in a cool environment. Also -- the 1/2 marathon train is VERY MUCH ON!!!!!! Yes, this week I officially signed up and PAID for the race. The race is in Madison, WI on Saturday, Sept. 28th. So I have time to keep building my endurance and distance. I also feel that running in some of the heat (carefully) I am building that endurance -- even through it may be only 3-4 miles... It also looks that by the time of the race - I will be an official NANA!!!!! My daughter said that, the baby will be born maybe as soon as the end of August. They are thinking of having her deliver a couple weeks early. I have already decided and dedicating this race to Kollin, his running Nana!!!!!!! As for my overall, miles this year... I am really doing well!!! I have 847 miles this year to date!!!! Not bad for an old woman with SPMS!!!!! Last week I had my bi-annual visit with my neurologist at UW Madison. He is still amazed and I am doing very well. The injectable Interferon that I have been on for years is really wearing on me. It takes me anymore a couple of days to regain my energy level and focus. He has decided to put me on the new ORAL MS drug... YES - I SAID ORAL!!!! NO MORE SHOTS!!! I am not talking little sub-Q shots --- no these are IM - with the 2" needle... Yes - that is what I do to myself EVERY EVERY WEEK!!!!! I am down to ONLY 2 more weeks of the injectable drug and then to the pill. I pray that it works with my body and there aren't any weird reactions!!!!!!! All I can do is try!!!!!!! Yes, I do believe that my progress has come from the change in my nutrition and exercise. But I also believe in maintain the drug therapies. I do not discount any of that. There are some people with MS that follow the path of nutrition and exercise and see they are improving. Then they discount the drug therapies. I am not so sure about that... So I have decided to keep with my drugs. Maybe it is the right thing or the wrong thing. I do not know, the Dr's don't really know... So I am just going with what my gut is telling me to do. That is all anyone can do, isn't it????? Right now, I just stay focused.... I am focusing on my running and all the WONDERFUL EVENTS HAPPENING WITH MY CHILDREN!!! To say my life isn't good -- is SO VERY WRONG!!! I am blessed in MANY, MANY, MANY WAYS..... When I was first diagnosed - like many of us-- I thought "Oh, my God... I am going to be in a wheelchair and in a nursing home being taken care of... #1 - to lose my independence would kill me - I am WAY to Irish for that!!!! A lot of that beginning encouragement came from my son (yes - the Marine). Who encouraged me to push the limit... I did it... I have lost OVER 130lbs - running - and my overall health is EXCELLENT!!! I have a WONDERFUL SUPPORT of my family and dear, dear friends... What more can anyone ask of this world???????? So get up and get out there... Does it hurt? -- Yes, but HELL with it... it HURTS EVERYDAY whether you move or not!!! But muscles are not forgiving... if you don't use them, they become mush.... Then it takes FOREVER to build back up... Don't get as bad as I did... Go, the more you do, change that nutrition to a whole foods approach, throw away the red meat, processed foods (McDonald's), cow's milk, and eat more fruit and veggies. Preferably raw - you get more minerals/nutrients from them... You will be AMAZED with the change... It does take time -- for me it took about 4 years --- BUT WOW!!!!! It is so worthwhile!!!!! So do not let MS take you down - tell it to go to HELL where it belongs!!!!! So as ALWAYS AND FOREVER --- NEVER STOP AND ALWAYS FORWARD!!!!!!!!!!

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