Friday, April 17, 2015

April, 17, 2015

Yes, a picture saids a thousand words... You guess it, I'm in the hospital due to the DAMN FUCKING MS!!!! So here's my story... I have on the whole been doing OK.. Still have issues with my running.. but I 'm in run club and run/walking about 3+ miles... I have also been working on my biking. I am trying to get ready for biking the Syttendi Mai run. So I will be biking a mininum of 20 miles over from Madison to Stoughton. Yesterday, all Hell broke lose... I was at the gym at my wee hours in the morning... I have been working on the various challenge exercises that have been laid out by my friend Laura... I just finished my second round of week 4 & 5 when all the sudden I felt like I had a VERY INTENSE feeling in both my legs. It was like a VERY INTENSE Charlie Horse. It literaly dropped me to the ground. I also had a very strong urge to poo. I crawled and hung to the walls to get to the bathroom. I was unsuccessful in achieving the goal... DAMN MS!!! My legs were still in hyper-spasm. I cleaned myself up the best I could and crawled over the shower. I was thinking that maybe a shower would help the spasms to calm down. I tried to take off my clothes but I realized that standing in the wet shower floor would probably be a disaster. So I put my workout clothes back on... After a short bit, my gym buddy, Velda, came in the locker room looking for me... I explained the situation and asked her to get my phone from my car. I called my daughter and told her the situation. She came and by that time I could not even stand up on my own. It was REALLY FRIGHTENING!!!!! She did not even feel confident that she could help me to the car. So we called Pec Ambulance to help walk me to the car. I will not ALLOW THEM to take me in the ambulance after my horror from my one and ONLY encounter with their services.(Another long story...) Elyse then asked which hospital to go to. I thought Swedes in Rockford since that is where my primary DR resides. That was not the wisest choice... There was a total of 2 of us in the waiting room... I waited for HOURS... Finally they put me in a room with a guy with active pneumonia who was not responding to his treatment. So he is hacking a lung... Elyse and I saw masks laying on the counter.. she grabbed them for us... We asked to be moved they said they could not do that,... Finally we moved to another private room in the ER... and waited and waited... It was forever... about 3 hours+. Elyse went to get something for lunch and ran into a DR, he asked what she was doing there. The amazing thing is shortly after she saw him the DR showed up in my room... HMMM... My legs where still really bad.... They had pulled a blood draw from me... and said that I had a UTI... surprise... I had no clue... so I got IV antibodtics for that... Then I got moved to a regular floor. They did not want to discharge me since I was unable to walk on my own. In the mean time, I called my neuro at UW and told him the situation. When I was in the room I saw their Neuro... He asked me about how many MRI scans that I have had. I told him I only had scans at my initial DX. He proceeded to say some things that I felt was very unprofessional about my neuro. That did not sit well with me... I ended up having brain and full spine MRI. Last night the pain was HORRIBLY intense in my legs. At first I recieved only a Tylenol.. It did not do a thing... I then asked for something stronger, which I recieved. That helped so I could at least sleep for a solid 4 interupted hours. Now I'm currently still in the hospital. They are waiting the MRI results before giving me any more steriods. I am still getting the IV antibotics for the UTI. The other very disappointing thing is that I missed the first day of our bike club. I have worked so hard with my other cohorts to get this started. There was a good group that showed up about 20 people... I was THRILLED!!! I can't wait till next week.. I'll be there in all my glory. So as always I will continue moving forward.. ALWAYS AND FOREVER FORWARD!!!!!

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