Wednesday, August 15, 2012

August 15, 2012

Today is my 31st wedding anniversary. (Yes, I am old and I did not get married at the age of 10.) We have been married and been through everything together. Sometimes, it was quite a challenge to say it lightly. Even with my MS diagnosis, Brian has been supportive of all the doctor visits,my determination to fight MS, continuing battle with MS, and my drastic nutrition change. Plus, yes, even my running. He is my "pit crew". As I have discussed, MS and heat are not compatible. Brian is at the finish line with my various ice wraps to cool me down. Plus, since my nerves have not "turned off yet" my muscles are still going. I cannot control the fact that I HAVE TO CONTINUELY MOVE AROUND. This goes on till the nerves calm down which sometimes is a few minutes or a good half hour. Then I can finally stand still or sit down. I do appreciate him being there for me! Last week I had the 5K in Stoughton, WI. It was a nice race. There was discrepence about my time. I had a time of 32.13 which is a 10.22 pace. That is actually my very best time yet!!!! Yes, believe me Stoughton does have steep hills and grades. So it was not an easy run. What made this run so nice was that the heat and humidity was gone, plus it was well managed. This was pleasant - not too hot or cold. I did almost fall going uphill and over RR tracks. It was the change in pavement that does mess me up. But I was able to regain my balance (thanks to Laura and Pilates) and away I went. After the run, they was a coffee festival. Stoughton is originally settled by Norwegians therefore, coffee is one of their sacred beverages!!!! But it was really nice!!!! This weekend, I actually do NOT have any races. It is the county fair weekend which is in Pecatonica. So I am busy with various fair activities. The next race is the Colby Smith 4 mile race in Freeport IL. This is a BIG race! So I have been taking advantage of the lower humidity and temps and trying to get in some distance running. I have devised a route in town so I can get over 5 miles... I hope this weekend to really get in some good miles. If the humidity and temperature stays lower, I could get a run in out in the country. That is what I really love! But with the summer, I have stayed in town which I think is safer. I am hoping to do my next race in September in Monroe, WI which would be a 10K. Monroe is VERY HILLY. So this will be a challange (but ALL races are challenges). The weather should be cooler and the humidity lower. So right now, with my training the more distance I can do the better. Plus, I am always trying to keep myself ready to do the 10 mile race in Stoughton WI in May 2013. This weekend, besides a few longer runs... I get to go to the fair and just have fun! Plus, we will see how I did on my fair entries. I made some bread and some sewing/quilting projects. I do it just for fun... So, as always, keep moving.... Always moving!!!!!

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