Wednesday, March 5, 2014

March 5, 2014

The weather still has not been very cooperative for running outside. We are STILL getting snow/ice!!! My last outside run was over 2 weeks ago. Plus, I have been dealing with this wobbly ankle every time I run. I did finally get to see the sports medicine doctor at University of Wisconsin a week ago. The place was amazing! I even had to run the track there so she could see me run. I was put through all the diagnostic paces including full xrays and MRI. She did witness the wobbling ankle and agreed with me it was MS related. She also applauded me for seeking attention to this before something bad happened, like stepping down wrong and snapping the ankle. If that happens it is VERY likely I am done running and affect my overall mobility! She could only find that I did have a small bone spur. She asked me if I felt it, I laughed because I am very numb in my feet and legs. She recommended a physical therapist in Rockford that she has worked with and highly recommended. I was thrilled to be able to get an appointment with him the next week. I saw him on Tuesday and he had me pegged QUICK! He saw the ankle issue and my spasticity with my leg. He concluded that my issue is stemming from my hip. I know that my hip flexors are extremely tight. We do some hip flexor exercises in Pilate's and every time I am about in tears. YES, IT HURTS THAT BAD!!!! But, I do the exercises because I realize that muscle is VERY tight and needs to be worked. He gave me a series of exercises to do. Did it hurt... YES is an understatement!!! But, I forged through! The other great thing about this therapist is that he is a runner. I asked him about signing up for my May race in Stoughton, WI. I had not decided whether to sign up for the 10 or 20 mile race. He advised me to sign up for the 10. This is due a couple of factors; weather conditions of not getting outside to really train and the wobbling ankle. So now, I have a series of hip strengthening exercises to do on a daily basis. I completed them this morning and did my regular Tabata type exercises. I will tell you for someone who is generally numb and does not feel muscle soreness. I can feel free this!!! My hips and butt have been sore all day. But that is good, it is showing those muscles who is BOSS!!! It is ME, not the DAMN MS!!! I will continue working through these exercises EVERY day. Because it is not just running but this has to do with my overall mobility! I will NOT ALLOW THE MS to WIN!!! Not without a DAMN good FIGHT!! It is not going to happen!!!! So I just keep fighting and as ALWAYS and FOREVER FORWARD!!!

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